CWS, Great Debate, NHI Programs
NHI bringing 2020 GDx and CWSx programs to Latin American students

The National Hispanic Institute takes a global approach to its leadership education, and Latin American students have been valuable players in advancing that worldwide outlook. Now, that the ongoing pandemic is prompting NHI to launch its inaugural digital learning experiences, Latin American students are being invited to participate — with the support of extended payment plans and scholarship funds when they enroll at by May 31.
For students who are eligible for the Great Debate (graduating from high school in 2023), the GDx takes the principles of the Great Debate, emphasizing communication skills, and applies them to digital spaces. The program allows students to create videos and podcasts, improve their social media skills, and learn ways to be more effective communicators across the digital platforms they’ll need to master in the 21st century.
Because it takes a different focus than a traditional Great Debate, Class of 2022 students who participated in a Great Debate in 2019 can enroll in a GDx. For students who would have attended the LDZ program this summer, NHI is launching the NHI Digital Leadership Symposium, featuring a number of special guests, including NHI founder Ernesto Nieto and U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This class of students from Latin America may also elect to attend the CWSx program this July, getting an early start on NHI’s capstone program.
“GDx, unlike its counterpart Great Debate, is a digital experience and global program that engages competitors from various countries and metropolitan areas throughout the Americas,” said NHI Senior Vice President Julio Cotto, who is spearheading the GDx launch. “GDx students go beyond Great Debate participants by tackling digital communications challenges. This will require members of GDx to add a visual and video element to their work but also present a prospect of being able to go viral on the web through social media platforms.”
He explained, “Students work in small teams across borders through online platforms with coaches and facilitators who are posted throughout the Americas. The program features four new events that require presentations to be multisensory and through multiple mediums. GDx students undergo the challenges of modern times as organizations shift and communities are altered in how they communicate, collaborate, and create. GDx sets a new standard and is a pilot experience designed to impact thousands of students throughout the next three to five years.”
The CWSx, like the CWS, places focus on the college admissions process, including live coaching and feedback from admissions representatives from schools like Cornell University, Washington University (St. Louis), the University of Denver, the University of Texas at Austin, and many more! Additionally, CWSxers receive free SAT training in August and September from SureScore, Inc., a company that helps students increase test scores on standardized tests used in college admission and selection. CWSx students will also receive a live experience in 2021, including an in-person deep dive into the inquiry-based learning process that NHI alumni have used to make decisions and work through problems.
The costs for the GDx program for Latin American students (including those in Mexico, Panama, and the Dominican Republic) is $695, with students in Mexico receiving a 19:1 Mexican Peso to U.S. dollar ratio. The cost of the CWS program is $735. Due to the Covid-19 impact, NHI is gathering special support funds to provide scholarships for students who want to participate but may be experiencing difficulties. Contact the NHI admissions office for details and we will do everything we can to help right away!
To apply for GDx (for students who graduate from high school in 2023)
- Choose GDx from the admissions page drop-down menu
- Pay the $20 application fee when applying; pay $150 within 10 days of admission; work out a payment plan for the balance to end by August 31
To apply for CWSx (for students who graduate from high school in BOTH 2021 and 2022)
- Choose CWSx from the admissions page drop-down menu
- Pay the $20 application fee when applying; pay $150 within 10 days of admission; work out a payment plan for the balance to end by August 31
Student application assistance (please put “GDx assistance” or “CWSx assistance” in the subject header)
Panama students: Contact Aldahir Olmos
Dominican Republic students: Contact Kedwin Martinez
Mexico students and U.S.-based GDx students: Contact Nicole Nieto
U.S.-based CWSx students, Contact Alma Raymer
Both the GDx and CWSx programs are sponsored in part by State Farm.
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