State Farm Invites NHIers to Apply to Youth Advisory Board
The Future has a voice and it sounds a lot like YAB! The State Farm® Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is one of the nation’s most unique philanthropic programs. Started in 2006, the YAB has funded more than $36 million to unique, youth-led service-learning projects, affecting an estimated 21.5 million people! The State Farm YAB is […]

Ten universities court NHI students at Texas CWS in North Texas
The Texas CWS, held at the University of North Texas from July 30 through August 3, brought 123 students from seven states to Denton — and an additional student representing Panama — for an NHI competition that doubled as an opportunity to prepare for the college admissions process. Though the majority of students hailed from […]

San Antonio wins Texas Ambassador Great Debate at UT-Austin
The University of Texas at Austin hosted nearly 175 students from across Texas when the Texas Ambassador Great Debate — one of NHI’s newest series — convened July 23-26. Like its Texas Great Debate predecessor, the debate features teams representing Texas cities and regions, and the San Antonio team took honors this year as the […]
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