Tag: schreiner university

Texas Great Debate kicks off NHI’s full summer of in-person programming
With the fabled Silver Cup on a table next to him, National Hispanic Institute senior vice president Chris Nieto led team after team in a roll call at Saturday’s opening ceremonies for the 2022 Texas Great Debate. In a ballroom at Schreiner University, along with co-educational director Mercedes Mercado, he called on students from all […]

NHI announces CWS Thought Series for June 2021 at Schreiner University
The National Hispanic Institute proudly announces it will host its CWSx Part 2 – Thought Series program, the long-awaited sequel to last summer’s 2020 CWSx League Series, at Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas, on June 6-8, 2021. This event, exclusively for NHIers who graduated from the first-ever digital CWSx, is the last hurrah for the […]
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