Record-setting Texas CWS program prepares students at University of St. Thomas
The University of St. Thomas in Houston played host to the largest-ever Texas Collegiate World Series (CWS) program this past July 24 to 28, when 144 aspiring college applicants converged on Space City for the intensive five-day program to better their prospects. The CWS, considered NHI’s capstone program, brings rising seniors together for a two-part […]

2024 Rocky Mountain CWS helps aspiring college students tell their stories
More than 130 students, including a contingent from Mexico and a number of students from across the United States, converged on the University of Denver from June 24 to 28 for the Rocky Mountain Collegiate World Series (CWS), the first of two capstone programs for National Hispanic Institute students to be staged this summer. This […]

Introducing the First Three 2023 LDZ Junior Counselor Winners!
This Fall semester has been centered all around recruitment for our NHI volunteers, as our Regular Admission deadline is November 11! Student volunteers at NHI are asked to recruit at least 5 new applicants to their first NHI program – which is not an easy task. They are encouraged to set up meetings at their […]
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