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NHI’s 2023 Colorado LDZ participants Collaborate to Create and Propose Future Narratives for Our Community

Colorado LDZ brings next level of interaction and growth for students from three nations
July 26th, 2023 | Article by Jareth Quintero-Opatowski

The unique experience of the Colorado LDZ continues to impact young leaders, with this year’s LDZ hosting 180 participants on the beautiful campus, and a long term partnership of over 30 years, Colorado State University. Serving participants from various states and regions of Latin America, the program was located in the mountain ranges of Fort Collins, CO, from June 18th to July 25th.
Many participants, having the distinction of being called delegates, were given the opportunity to be able to express themselves, and use their resources. Many of which would use their communities assets to further their understanding of what it means to be part of NHI and take on the LDZ challenge.

Through the support of each other, their counselors, the speeches presented to the delegation revolved around showcasing participants skills and assets they have in their communities. Despite participants being a little nervous, their nervousness was soon overcome with joy and determination to obtain a position in their delegation. After a fruitful day of elections, the following delegates were nominated to represent the 2023 Colorado LDZ delegation:
- Governor: Isabella Olea, Huixquilucan, Mexico
- Lt. Governor: Grey Anderson, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Speaker of the House: Mara Flores, San Antonio, TX
- Chief Justice: Rowan Duncan, San Antonio, TX
The following delegates were recognized as honorable justices of the Supreme Court:
- Eugenio Aramiz, Guadalajara, Mexico
- Gisselle Avalos, Wray, Colorado
- Kerima Cedeno, Panama, Panama
- Rowan Duncan, San Antonio, Texas
- Sofia Landin, El Paso Texas
- Marifer Munoz, Torreon, Mexico
- Monet Munoz, El Paso, Texas
- Santiago Romo, Zapopan, Mexico.
- Pablo Velez, Guadalajara, Mexico
The following delegates were handpicked by the president to represent her cabinet:
- Mateo Asencio, Jalisco, Mexico
- Herman Bern, Panama, Panama
- Fernanda Lujan Delgado, Queretaro, Mexico.
- Joaquin Hernandez-Gold, Austin, Texas
- Noelia Esquivel Rodriguez, Caldwell, Idaho,
- Carlos Tejeira, Panama, Panama
The House of Representatives represents our largest chamber, with over 100 members. As a legislative body, it sees the most proposals, having the largest number of voices and discussions within their committees. Within this large body, leaders who emerge have the leadership skills necessary to communicate effectively and promote compromise. The following representatives were the award recipients as follows:
- Best Author of a Resolution: Tony Leon, North Las Vegas, Nevada
- Best Debater: Zach Aguilar, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Most Persuasive Representative: Aralin Cajas, Tucson, Arizona
- Most Distinguished Representative: Aliyah Acevedo, Commerce City, Colorado
- Outstanding Legislator: Victoria Galindo, El Paso, Texas
The Senate was composed of 35 elected officials. As the smaller legislative body, it had the opportunity to have much deeper conversations, being able to further dissect individual proposals. They also oversaw the approval of the president’s cabinet, posing critical questions and thoroughly vetting the individuals approved. The following senators were the award recipients as follows:
- Best Author of a Resolution: Audrina Valdez, Houston, Texas
- Best Debater: Dylan Orozco, San Antonio, Texas
- Most Persuasive Senator: Liang Wong, Mexico City, Mexico
- Most Distinguished Senator: Kenzie Morales, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Outstanding Legislator: Alejandro Carrizales, San Antonio, Texas
The supreme court spent the week learning the principles of Community Equity Building which is the foundation of the LDZ. They spent hours in trials debating the proposals, while writing briefs and their opinions on each one. These awards represent the leaders of this branch of the government who demonstrated their oratory skills and talents. In addition, the final trial was concluded. The following supreme court members were the award recipients as follows:
- Best Orator: Daniela Chavez, Zapopan, Jalisco
- Most Outstanding Member of the Supreme Court: Sofia Landin, El Paso, Texas
- Most Distinguished Attorney: Eva Larsen, Fort Collins, Colorado
- 1st Place Attorney Team: Yaya Gonzales, El Paso, Texas and Tabitha Kennedy, Selma, Texas (Team 6)
- 2nd Please Attorney Team: Diego Ojeda, San Antonio, TX and Eva Larsen, Fort Collins, Colorado (Team 8)
The following delegates received special awards given at LDZs, and the unique Rich Castro, only given at Colorado LDZ.
Most Promising Leader:
- Diego Russek, Torreón, México,
- Valeria Rodriguez, Caldwell, Idaho
Rich Castro:
- Joshua Berquero, Fort Collins, Colorado
Ricky Miranda:
- Jiovani Aguiree, Las Vegas, Nevada
The awards ceremony was dedicated to the life of friend, former Colorado State University Vice President, and NHI Hall of Fame winner, the late Mary Ontiveros. Greatly missed but her legacy lives on. The delegation and university thanks Mary for bringing LDZ to Colorado and this beautiful community. She will always remember you! NHI is grateful to have this life long partnership continue for many more years to come and is excited what the future holds for future LDZers who partake in the unique experience of the Colorado LDZ.
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