NHI students return to a “campus of hope” for Schreiner-hosted CWS
The National Hispanic Institute successfully returned to live, on-campus programming this week with a two-in-one Collegiate World Series program at Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas. For students who completed the League Series last summer in an inaugural online edition of CWS, the program allowed them the introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning that the Thought Series provides, […]

NHI unveils report showing impact of summer program ‘X-periences’
This summer was unprecedented for the National Hispanic Institute. After past years of growing its summer programming to a slate of 17 university-hosted live programs — which is how NHI anticipated 2020 would look — the organization had to pivot to online programs due to the ongoing pandemic. NHI was able to deliver online leadership […]

NHI launches digital learning experiences to meet challenges of 2020
Every year since 1984, the National Hispanic Institute (NHI) has run summer programs for high school students. Its board decided to shutter its on-campus summer programs in an April 1 emergency meeting, making NHI among the first educational nonprofit organizations to respond to the coronavirus pandemic with appropriate caution. But thanks to a quick pivot […]
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