April 2022

Rudy Rodriguez joins NHI staff, bringing asset-based perspective to college outreach
Rudy Rodriguez’s NHI journey began when she was a freshman at Del Rio high school in 2002. As she remembers, “Somebody in the community said you need to do this program. They put a group of us in a car … to Alpine, Texas at the time, for a Young Leaders Conference, a Great Debate, […]

NHI’s Julio Cotto honored by former high school as a notable alumnus
NHIers know how transformational the high school experience can be in their lives — particularly when they become NHI members and take lessons from their first NHI experiences back to their high schools. For Julio Cotto, 1997 was that pivotal year — when NHI, approaching its 20th anniversary, did outreach to a previously-untapped Pennsylvania, and a […]
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