May 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Transforming the DNA of Congressional Battles
For the upcoming issue of the annual print edition of NHI Magazine, we interviewed New York City native, Congressional candidate, 2017 NHI Person of the Year, and 2018 Northeast CWS co-Education Director Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. An excerpted version of this interview will appear in the magazine, but we thought this valuable enough to share the entire […]

#NHIDecisionDay becomes #NHIDecisionWeekend for eager seniors
In one of the most active social media campaigns in the National Hispanic Institute’s history, #NHIDecisionDay drew participants from across the U.S. and Mexico on Friday, May 4 — and then NHI staffers declared it #NHIDecisionWeekend as more graduating seniors sought to engage their friends on social media networks. “What was great to see is […]
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