Celebración finalists “moving NHI forward 10 years” with video presentations
NHI founder and president Ernesto Nieto had high praise for this year’s Celebración finalists — at the conclusion of this year’s first-of-its-kind competition at the San Marcos Conference Center in San Marcos, Texas, he said the competitors displayed vision and talent that is “moving NHI forward 10 years.” For the first time ever, this year’s Celebración […]

Celebracion 2017 panel explores future of Latinos in politics
NHI alumni, brought together to talk about the future of Latinos in politics, spoke for 2 1/2 hours for an ambitious, successful Saturday morning panel serving as a highlight of Celebracion 2017. The panel, under the Nieto-de Leon Lecture Series banner, brought together former, current, and aspiring elected officials along with doctors and doctoral students […]

NHI honors 2017 class of alumni and educators at Celebración
Celebración 2017—the first-ever homecoming edition of the annual NHI gathering, bringing students and alumni to NHI headquarters in Maxwell, Texas—also brought together alumni and educators for the NHI Alumni Awards at the City of San Marcos Conference Center on Saturday, November 18. NHI staff and board members presented awards to the following honorees: University of […]
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