LDZ, NHI Programs
2017 New York LDZ elects leaders from three nations

The 2017 New York LDZ has proclaimed itself a fully international program this year, electing representatives from three nations to be Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House. The New York program at the University of Rochester, even though it’s running the same week as the Panama-hosted LDZ Las Americas program, is one of the most popular programs for NHI students who enroll from outside the United States.
Diego Pallas, elected Speaker of the House (from Spain, and attending high school in Torreon, Mexico), described the week so far as “fun, but strangely fun,” and while acknowledging that it does involve some stress, also has a vision of involving more people in the process. “There are people who have been here two days who haven’t gone to the microphone yet, who I’d like to see go to the microphone,” he said. “I want everyone to lose their fear of the mike, and report something, and I want to be well organized so we can have a more fluid discussion.”
Derelyn Tapia, from the Dominican Republic, was elected Lieutenant Governor, said, “Esto ha sido una experiencia única. No pensé que esto iba a ser de esta manera. La verdad es que estoy muy marcada por esto.” (“This has been a unique experience. I didn’t think that the program would be like this at all. The truth is that I’m very impressed by it.”)
When asked about her goals for the week, she noted, “Espero que las propuestas de verdad lleguen lejos, que se cumplan y que marquen el cambio, la diferencia.” (“I hope that the proposals get far, that they get realized and that they mark the change, the difference.”)
Diego Parras, who attends school in the Monterrey metro area, was elected Governor. He was pleased that members of his party and other students coalesced to elect him to the LDZ’s highest post, noting, “I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet a lot of people from a lot of places. I’ve been really enjoying the experience. I’ve been really happy with how everything’s going.” He praised the junior and senior counselors for their involvement in running the event, and looked forward to working with all the participants.
“I know all of these people have some leadership inside of them,” he said. “Many times, people just keep that inside; I really want people to be able to let that leadership out and to come out of their shells.”
The 2017 New York LDZ program continues through Sunday, made possible in part through sponsorship from Union Pacific.
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