College Register, NHI News
NHI announces “Decision Day” for graduating seniors on May 5

For National Hispanic Institute students, college is only part of the journey to leadership. But it’s an important part of the journey — so much so that the Collegiate World Series and the NHI College Register have been created in part to help NHI students with their college choices. Since 98 percent of NHI students go on to college, the question about college for most NHI students is not whether but where they go. To help NHIers celebrate those choices, is invited graduating seniors to participate in the first-ever NHI Decision Day on Friday, May 5.
Students can submit photos and info about their college choices to Marisa Zepeda, who manages the NHI College Register. Posts throughout the day on this site will highlight where the students have chosen to continue their paths to leadership. Students are also invited to take to social media on May 5 with the #NHIDecisionDay hashtag to announce to their followers and join the online conversation.
“We’re looking forward to celebrating NHI students throughout the day,” Zepeda said. “Why should college football players have all the fun? NHI students compete, develop their skills as leaders and public speakers, and come into the schools of their choice as competitors worthy of praise and recognition. #NHIDecisionDay recognizes the work that our students have done in Great Debates, LDZs, CWSes, and Celebracións to get to this point.”
Zepeda also notes that NHI Decision Day provides a chance to make the different kind of May 5 celebration than what many typically associate with Cinco de Mayo.
A number of the students who participate in NHI programs choose a university or college belonging to the NHI College Register. Started in 1990, the College Register is a membership organization comprised of colleges that actively recruit college-eligible Latino high school students to enroll in their four-year institutions. A number of College Register members serve as host institutions for NHI summer programs, giving them the additional recruiting advantage of allowing students to live and learn on their campuses throughout an NHI summer program. Many notable NHI alumni, including staff members, board members, and distinguished alumni, hail from College Register member schools.
For more information on the upcoming College Register (including College Fair dates at 2017 NHI Summer Programs), check out this year’s brochure, or visit the College Register section of the NHI Website.
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