Ernesto Nieto, NHI News, Podcasts
NHI Launches New Podcast

The National Hispanic Institute has taken another step into the digital age this week, with Wednesday’s inaugural episode of Platicas: Conversations with Ernesto Nieto. The podcast, currently available either through Libsyn or through Soundcloud (update: and now through iTunes!), will provide Nieto the opportunity to conduct interviews, see how Third Reality is manifesting in the lives of NHI alumni, and to explore a range of ideas.
In the first episode, Nieto sits down with two NHI staffers, Midwest Director and University of Chicago graduate Karla Martinez, and Senior Vice President and Boston University alumnus Julio Irving Cotto. In the podcast, Karla and Julio in share their experiences applying to college, transition from home life to college, and offer advice for current high schools students and their families.
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