Texas LDZ brings 140 students to TLU & State Capitol
One of NHI’s oldest programs, the Texas LDZ, typically culminates in one of the most unforgettable experiences possible for an NHI student — the chance to debate in the House or Senate chambers of the Texas State Capitol. That was the case this year for the Texas Lutheran University-hosted program, now in its fourth decade […]

Students from six states converge on Augustana for Midwest GD
This year’s Midwest Great Debate brought a select group of students from six different states to Augustana College for the six-day event, July 7-12. “The Midwest Great Debate was the best and biggest to date,” said program co-Education Director Karla Martinez. “Students enjoyed having the opportunity to engage in a national conversation regarding the Latino […]

International CWS brings college-bound NHI students to Tampa
120 top-performing Latino high school students from across the United States (including Puerto Rico), the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Panama participated in the National Hispanic Institute’s International CWS program. The college admissions preparation program, hosted by the University of Tampa, was won by the team representing Villanova University. The program included a significant contingent of […]
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