Texas Star Great Debate: Bringing students together to develop confidence and speak out
Soon after the dust settled on the Texas Great Debate — filling Schreiner University with animated students competing and collaborating in the National Hispanic Institute’s enduring tradition – another group of students came to Kerrville for the Texas Star Great Debate. That six-day debate program, held June 16-21, brought 75 students together for the first of NHI’s […]

Tip of Texas wins fifth straight title at revived, energized 2022 Texas Great Debate
In National Hispanic Institute parlance, Tip of Texas refers the region highlighting talent from Cameron County, especially Brownsville. But it’s also become synonymous with winning the Silver Cup. The Tip of Texas team won the 2022 Texas Great Debate at Schreiner University in Kerrville, which ran from June 11-14, making it five straight titles and […]

Texas Great Debate kicks off NHI’s full summer of in-person programming
With the fabled Silver Cup on a table next to him, National Hispanic Institute senior vice president Chris Nieto led team after team in a roll call at Saturday’s opening ceremonies for the 2022 Texas Great Debate. In a ballroom at Schreiner University, along with co-educational director Mercedes Mercado, he called on students from all […]