NHI students return to a “campus of hope” for Schreiner-hosted CWS
The National Hispanic Institute successfully returned to live, on-campus programming this week with a two-in-one Collegiate World Series program at Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas. For students who completed the League Series last summer in an inaugural online edition of CWS, the program allowed them the introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning that the Thought Series provides, […]

NHI bringing 2020 GDx and CWSx programs to Latin American students
The National Hispanic Institute takes a global approach to its leadership education, and Latin American students have been valuable players in advancing that worldwide outlook. Now, that the ongoing pandemic is prompting NHI to launch its inaugural digital learning experiences, Latin American students are being invited to participate — with the support of extended payment […]

NHI announces partnership with University of Denver for new CWS program
The National Hispanic Institute announces today that it will partner with the University of Denver to begin a new version of its capstone leadership education program in 2020. The inaugural Rocky Mountain Collegiate World Series program is slated to begin at the university on June 18-22, 2020. Like the established programs in Texas and Florida, […]