NHI Hosts Las Vegas Induction Ceremony 2023
Article written by Bianca Rawlings. This past weekend marked the start of an exciting journey for 32 young people who attended NHI’s Las Vegas 2023 Induction Ceremony. These high achieving students have already accomplished so much in their academic careers, their induction into NHI is well-earned and is merely the first step in their leadership […]

NHI’s 2022 Person of the Year, Nick Lopez, Named CEO of the Latin American Educational Foundation
Article written by Bianca Rawlings. The National Hispanic Institute is excited to delve deeper into the rich history and promising future of our 2022 Person of the Year, Nick Lopez. Lopez has served as a larger-than-life leader for high school students within NHI, numerous other nonprofits, and was recently selected for a new position that […]

NHI Named as a 2023 Beneficiary of a Director’s Gift from the Bezos Family Foundation
The National Hispanic Institute (NHI) is honored to announce that the directors of the Bezos Family Foundation awarded NHI a gift of $100,000 in 2023. The Bezos Family Foundation is a an independent, nonprofit private Foundation founded by Mike and Jackie Bezos, who along with their family serve as the Foundation’s directors. The Foundation partners […]