Dallas filmmaker Merced Elizondo named 2021 NHI Person of the Year
In a year where a lot of people needed respite from what the world was dishing out — when even a movie theater didn’t provide the same kind of retreat it did before the COVID-19 pandemic began — an NHI alumnus brought a film into the world that told a beautiful story and showed his potential […]

NHI alum announces $10,000 in LDZ scholarships via U.S. Forest Service
Oscar Lai’s journey to become part of the U.S. Forest Service Office of International Programs including a pathway familiar for his colleagues — college and the Peace Corps. Lai’s journey, however, had an additional, crucial component he feels has been integral to his success: The National Hispanic Institute. And now, thanks to $10,000 in scholarship […]

NHIer Sofia Hernandez makes her voice heard in the Wall Street Journal
National Hispanic Institute alumni Sofia Hernandez and her Wheaton College classmates had an unusual challenge: Get published in one of the biggest and best newspapers in the U.S. during the semester and you’ll get an A. Hernandez — who chose Wheaton in part through it being an NHI College Register member and being represented at Celebracion […]