Colorado LDZ brings next level of interaction and growth for students from three nations
The National Hispanic Institute and Colorado State University go way back — more than 30 years, in a partnership that helped NHI expand from a Texas-based project to a national and even international one. That relationship continued on with the 2022 Colorado LDZ, which brought more than 110 students from 10 states, as well as […]
Remembering Mary Ontiveros, a friend to NHI in Colorado
The National Hispanic Institute learned of and shared the news of Mary Ontiveros’ passing last week. Ontiveros was the first Vice President of Diversity at Colorado State University, and as a pillar of the CSU community for more than 50 years in a number of roles, was vital in the development of NHI’s partnership with […]
Walmart to award $20k in scholarships for Texas and Oklahoma LDZers
The National Hispanic Institute, in its ongoing efforts to develop the next generations of Latino leaders, is partnering with Walmart to provide tuition scholarships for a select number of students from Oklahoma and Texas to attend one of this summer’s Lorenzo de Zavala Youth Legislative Session programs. The program will host 200 top academic students […]