NHI Announces Texas Star Great Debate at Our Lady of the Lake University
The National Hispanic Institute’s Great Debate program enables hundreds of high school students to find more confidence and ability within themselves. For up to 150 students from the south Texas/San Antonio area — the 2023 Texas Star Great Debate, which will be held at Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU) in San Antonio from […]

NHI to team up with longtime partner Austin College for 2023 Texas Great Debate
Once again, the road to the National Hispanic Institute’s fabled Silver Cup will go through Sherman. NHI’s Executive Vice President, Nicole Nieto, was at Austin College on Friday to meet with Michael Deen, the school’s Dean of Students, in advance of the school resuming its host role for the vital Texas Great Debate competition. For […]

Northeast Great Debate debuts at new home, Saint Francis University, with international flavor
The Northeast Great Debate, a National Hispanic Institute staple, debuted at a new home in 2022. Saint Francis University hosted a select group of more than 30 students, converging on the Pennsylvania town of Loretto from July 19-24 to take the first steps on their NHI journeys. The partnership with the National Hispanic Institute and […]