NHI Gen X and Gen Y Men: Profiles of 10 Leaders
Last year, we highlighted 10 women from the ranks of Generation X and Generation Y NHIers, who, by gaining leadership skills and a Third Reality perspective via NHI programs, emerged as leaders in diverse professional settings and communities. This year, we’re highlighting 10 men from those generations, who also have emerged as leaders and respected […]

Emilio Delgado and Sonia Manzano, NHI’s 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award winners
In the fall of 1971, a young struggling Hollywood-based Mexican-American actor named Emilio Delgado received a call from producers of a new children’s television show asking him to audition. “Since I was staring at my last unemployment check and had just spent my last 25¢ for a gallon of gas,” he recalls, “of course I […]

Sal Cavazos, NHI’s 2014 Hall of Fame Winner
When Sal Cavazos and his five siblings were growing up in a rural outpost in the Rio Grande Valley, their TV time was seriously restricted. They were encouraged to read—but because the nearest library was 14 miles away, they knew to make the most of their library trips. Cavazos recalls, “I remember my mom telling […]